Saturday, August 7, 2010

2010 National Night Out LAPD and Media

An event wouldn't be a success without the help and teamwork of many.
We -Positive Energy Group/crime prevention- are beyond grateful to the following folks for making the time from their busy schedule to support our community.

Maria Arellano, Mitchell Arellano,,Diana Bartell, Krystal Betanzos, Ceasar Betanzos, Nicholas Betanzos,Ruth Flores, Stacy Flores, Valerie Flores, Mitchell Frank, Annamaria Galbraith, Veronica Herrera, Senior Lead Officer Bobby Hill, Leonel Ledezma,Claudia Lopez,Patricia Macias, Diana Matamoros, Domingo Martinez, Emma Martinez, Sally Martinez,Alejandra Marroquin, Christine Peters,Tiffany Porta, Jose and Lisa Sigala, Juan Sandoval, Darin Williams, Alana Yanez